Letter to Kate from Somewhere in Flanders

S.W. in Flanders

Dear Kate:–

I received your letter also Kathleen's and Otto's last but not least some days ago.

The weather is quite warm but damp I am sitting in a recreation room for British troops we are mixed every kind I guess but all sociable I got off church parade and went out to the road caught a motor Lorry that brot me with in about 20 ft of the door of this hut in a few min compared to how long it would take to walk the 1 3/4 miles.    I have to be back at 4.30 and left at 2.25 so I can't stay long all tho I guess I will be able to catch another motor.

I ran across Bob Banks yesterday down here, we had supper together and eggs tasted good to use I guess it was six weeks since I had one before they an't very expensive about 35¢ meal of two eggs bread butter coffee not potatoes

I go on duty at 5 P.M. till about 8.30 Runner. The job is a good one.

There is a canteen here you can buy all the tobacco cookies candy candles tea etc. you want. The YMCA's give cocoa away all day long all you can drink it is as good cocoa as the tea is tea so no one can kick.

I will have to quit now will write more later.

as ever

P.S. I got the handkerchief thanks, I don't remember which letter it was in. I got two packages from Annie tonight socks, gloves, candy and cookies you folks all use me to good.

I would like to have the opportunity of looking over Ypres before the war that I have had now. I was interested in it but old Lens appears to me now as home in comparison to good fronts, but I am not kicking there is no man more game to whack up the time on poor fronts than yours truly. I thot when I first came to France that I would help every one I could that was tired ore sick. but I soon found out that men took you for a sosage and that they would lye to you to get you to do their work well only one man done that and he got told what caliber I put him for it so he woke up to his mistake in what he thot he was getting away with.

[Marginal] Well bye bye sister give my love to all the dear little ones as ever your loving brother Laurie

[Other margin] Don't be one bit disapointed if any of these letters should prove your last for it will be no disapointment to me, It is the easiest thot
