Letter to Kate from Witley


Dear Kate:–   I should have written but seem to be getting less time each week to spent writing. I have cut out about half of my corespondence and now I guess it is to big.

I have spent a good time since I got into the transport we have holled some loads quite a few miles and each trip shows you some knew scene that is great. the last six days have been real spring and one was a good July day

yesterday I went out about five miles with a load of machine guns along with the batt. and unhooked my team spread an oil cuver out and sat and lay on it untill noon had a good meal and hooked up and come home unharnessed and went about 2 ½ miles the way the teams have to go to the station and practices loading our horses then home again and supper, then a strole with a cupple of boys and, a talk to one about his soul and a short passage of scripture a short prayer and a nights repose. Then we starte an other day at 5.30 feed of team brush them off, we an’t alowed to use a curry comb harness eat breakfast, got back and brush up the the brass on your harness so you can see to comb your hair in it, and then they told me I was wanted at the taylor shop to help sew the brigade colors on our boys tunics so I had to leave my team for a cupple of day to sew for a change we’ll have to be decked out by sat. night ready to fight Germans.

Your letter sister was fine that done me a world of good did I mention it in a letter since I an’t sure.

I just get hungrier for the scriptures that I am fermiliar with all the time. The Christian life surely gives one life and life more abundantly the any thing in the world.

Well bye. bye. sister give my love to ever one and remember that I never forget to pray for you all, I always think of Otto, remember that it don’t make any difference where I am that I am all right, if I live I live for Christ and if I am killed according to Gods promise and I beleave every word it will be gain.

As ever your loving brother    Laurie