Letter to Mother


Dear Mother:–

I got paid two pounds tonight so I guess I will have lots of money to get my picture taken this pay and have them sent to you, I have lent 2-6 or about $1.90 since pay day, I can’t refuse the young boys money when they broak as long as they are as good as they always have been in paying back again.

 I guess the war is raging some thing awfull over there now. Mother as I used to frieght over Sask. I never thot I would be frieghting in France in 1917. But I want to be there it is my duty and God is the only almighty one and I am surely his son and trying to learn to love more each day his will concerning my life. I am among a rough bunch of men now but that is the place that God can surely be of use, The Corperal spoak of it the first thing in a kind of an appoligy when I first moved in among them, think how they respect Christ when they will change a speach half out and the toughest of them to just because they know I love God who hates sin in every form. Mother I should write more but havent time I must read some of Gods word before I go to bed. I am being able more and more to meditate on the scripture read which is great when there is lots of dirty talk in hearing of me,

I was sitting at the table tonight when one of the boys said, there is a lady at the orderly room that wants to see you so I got up right away and ran down. it was Miss Heeps that old lady I have spoaken about before, as I sat on my horse during the inspection I watched her over on the road go back and forth giving little tracts and testaments to the soldiers as they came and went I wish I could see you to talk to you and explain the sight just as I can see it now, we had a little chat and she wanted to see me to bid me good bye before I left and she had heard that we were confined to barracks

Don’t it seem great to think that the last two weeks I got on so I can ride instead of walk and carry a heavy old pack I carry my rifle right on the wagon

Well good night Mother dear as ever your loving son Laurie,