Letter to Mother

L.D.C.   Mrs Alice D. Cunningham
Hazenmore   Sask.

Dear Mother:–

I just wanted to write you a few lines tonight.

the sun has just set so beautifully in the west, and the twilight upon the western side of a ruined village that I stood in the trench and looked at and said to the boys, I just wish I could paint that old ruin as I see it tonight. the trees you know remind you of humanity in that they too live on, stripped of part of there limbs and etc. but it is such a shame I can never get over some of the sights I have seen, a church looks like this [small sketch of a triangular mound] more a heap of white chalk stone not even the cellars remain sound they are 60% blown in, The moon is so round and full, the slight bit of haze that floats in the sky. My Mother dear it is great to realize and have your health even to live under thirty feet of earth, where my nest is tonight. I realize such a joy in life, such a striving to fullfill my christian ideals, and also get such encouragement among the roughest of men, I can't say all on this line, I would like, but may be able to explain some time It is getting to dusk to write so I will run down my dug out. bye bye Mother dear as ever your loving son



Dear Mother one month has slipped away since the longest day of the year how the time does fly. I sent you three pictures of the Haz. boys yesterday will send other when I go out of the line. I had no good chance to register them.

I moved up out of the dug out today in to a concrete gun pit I have my stretcher hung by four wires so it is fine to sleep on oceans of fresh air it is like sleeping under a canvas that is stretched between to shacks, it has the good roof and sides, with the ends out.

Well mother this is the 23rd today is rainy but I am in the shelter so I guess I won't get wet, and I have lots of stuff to read. I got the daily paper last night at the Y.M.C.A. I took a message for our officer bot some stuff for the boys to, come back, got to bed. at about 11.45 then I had to put my gass mask on once about 1.25 for a while a few shells dropped close.

I got a "Forward" this A.M. in the mail and I read it all before I quit. I have just read very nearly steady from 6.30 till 11.30. I will have a snooze this P.M. for some thing may interupt my sleep tonight and I like to be ready for any emergencies,

24rd [sic, 3 changed to 4]

Dear Mother I am sitting in the old stretcher in the same place as discribed above.


I did not get far with my letter last night till I had to go on a little moon light manouver it was just enjoyable,

The heini search lights and flayers of all kinds, the air was just alive with plains, of coarse, we could only hear them and occasionaly see there signal. The night before I was on a work party just as nice a night quite a straff was on, but very few casualties, we loose a few boys every day or so I surely feel sorry at times, for some I have watched, and thought about, and know what kind of parents they have, and what there death will mean to them

Evening again, I have had about three sleeps to- [pages 7 -- 10 missing]

on one side of my belt, and a revolver on the other, in the night I want to be a combatant and be able to defend my self I will not be disapointed for I will expect no different usage than the other boys who are with me, It an't bothering me one bit more than any days work now.

I do not ask to choose my way, one step enough for me "Lead thou me on," Gods will be done, it is no hardship to carry on, I want to be with the boys and if any one has to go down I can take mine when it comes to me if not I will do all I can to help the one who is standing the pain.

Well Mother the old sun is coming out I beleave we will have a fine night, There is no mud every thing the best in the world, Well bye bye Mother dear as ever your loving son

xxx       Laurie

28th   8.5 P.M.

Every thing is over and O.K. I will write more later as ever your loving son Laurie