Letter to Mother from Somewhere in France

[no date]
Somewhere in France

Dear Mother:–

It started to rain today so we are lucky that we are in rest billet while it is wet.

I got a new pair of shoes this a.m. all so a pair of suspenders so I am well dressed to go in the line when our turn comes again.

A trip up the line surely cuts down the size of the batt in these days, but it will eventually bring the results that we are fighting for. I just got done writing to a boys mother that was wounder this trip. he is not 17 yet but he would lie about his age and come. well he was lucky he got it in the hands and arm so he will be all right again soon. Leeper got it we don’t know how serious he took him self off the batt field part way to the dressing station, before the stretcher bearers got to him.

Our stretcher bearers go all over no mans land with the red cross flag and they are not touched by snipers or m.g. bullets.

I will try to get a tablet today when supplies come in. but there is none now and no Y.M.C.A. paper.

Up the line we only have to be on guard ready to execute our arms of defence or in a push we might have to dig for a half hour so there is not going to be that fatiguing work that I had pictured before I was up there. If the shell fire does not get a man he should come out as fresh as he goes in. we like the idea of being on the alert at night then we sleep when it is warmer in the day. but yours truly slept quite considerable both times.

Well bye bye Mother dear as ever your loving son Laurie