Letter to Mother from Somewhere in France

S.W. in  France

Dear Mother:–

Bob Banks, McKeith Pete Campbell and I started out to get our pictures taken The photographeress informed use [e crossed out] that we could only get that done in day light so we walked on up town into the city I guess would sound as good. We had some apples and now we are in the picture show, the first time I have been at them in France, The first film was real good but I will have to own up they are mixed.

The crowd is made up of about 90% civilians the rest soldiers The theatre is only cheaply built and holds about a thousand, but there is no trimmings in side like in our western theaters.

Sunday 1.15 P.M.

The boys just got in off parade we may not have church parade to but we may for my part I hope we will for tonight I want to take in some good talk. I was on first aid lecture all A.M. from 9 till 11.30 anyway.

The moon shone very clear and nice when I went to breakfast at 6 A.M. I got a letter from Harvey Anderson last night. A shell burst close enough to him to cover him up to his knees then a piece of shrapnel entered his leg about four inches below the knee, fracturing the bone and leaving a hole about the size of the open hand thru the calf of his leg. I am glad the old boy got off that lucky for it could easily have entered any other part of his body which might have ment na poo

I also got one from Heddesheimer he got wounded some time ago. I answered them both today.

Bye bye Mother dear as ever your loving son Laurie