Letter to Mother from Witley


Dear Mother:–  received your most welcome letter tonight and enjoyed it so much.

We are called up tonight again I am lying on my pallias in our tent all our blankets are turned in so we can’t sleep very handy between orders, I suppose it is a bout 1200 a.m.

We don’t know whether it is a false alarm or whether we are going to France, but it is a good time of the year to go any way, we are getting the nicest summer weather now

7.30 P.M. at S.C.A.    I was best man at Bill Gowers wedding yesterday and had the greatest feed I took the wrinkles out of my belt all right for once in old England

The service was held in the English church, I had to sign the regester and pay the fees of coarse Bill gave me the money before we went to the church. I met three more of Bills sisters they are from 30 to forty years old,

I got a card from Jean and Bill today down on the coast where they are spending there honey moon

I received two letters from you today The one that was written last came first but just so they come is all we want I sent you two regestered letters tonight I had not time to write on the cards my photo looks awfully rubinish but that is just like me in soldier life.

Eula is the only girl I am writing to now and I will wiggle out of that some way I am sure, because I am going to make a new starte and then end end it in marrage, I havent got the girl spoted yet but there is lots of them and when I get a little time I will get acquanted