Letter to Annie

[1 March 1917]
[no date]

Dear Annie:–   I was just looking over my little book and see that your birthday is coming on in a few days I guess this will not arive before your birthday and if a German U. Boat sees the ship it will never get there, but any way sister we will hope and pray that before another birthday does come around the mail will not have the submarin menace to contend with. Sister if Germany keeps up this kind of warfare we are liable to run short of food on this little island that is so small that you can only get off of one side of passenger coach for fear you tiping the island over.

I wish the states would come in they would surely help use out some and in time a lot. I have got confidence in the old U.S.A. but I will not have this confidence long if they continue to take what is handed to them the way they have done up to date,

Well bye bye sister as ever you loving brother

[Saved as 17-03-01-Annie, due to reference in March 1st letter to Mother]