Letter to Mother from Bramshot Camp

Bramshot Camp
Dear Mother:–

Just a word tonight because I am going to pull out of camp tomorrow, going back to Witley again so address my mail there again.

I have been down to the far S.C.A. tonight. I meet a young minister there that is moving over to Whitley to so we will look forward to some great talks together he is the right sort and you know what that means he preached the sermon tonight and it was real, then we went into the devotional room talked a while then had prayer together six of use, then I walked home with a Salvationist who had back slidden. I talked with him and only pray and hope he will get right again he feels that God has forgiven but he is afraid he can’t face the people at home if the truth ever is told of his sin. That should not worry him it is only Satan that makes him feel that way, I only wish I could face the people for him, I would soon own up to the truth and go on praising God for the triumph I had over my temtations.

I felt mean the last two days up till last night and now I feel fully blest I am going to work more and preach the old story after I will make opportunities instead of waiting to have them come to me.

I am feeling fine tonight I am all right again, I never was weak any way but Gods is right with me, oh, how I pore out my praises to him as I walk along, it is the realest thing in the world to be pure in Christ Jesus what a blessing to the days and months with out alowing even a bad thot to dwell in your mind and always to be thinking and yearning to be closer to God and know more of how he desires you to live and act and feel and think.

Well Mother dear I have to say good night as ever your dearest boy, Laurie

5.45 P.M.

Well Mother dear supper is over and I have walked down to the s.e.a. to write letters and read until the time Service is on then I will take in the bible study and go back so I will be home at 9 ready to go on guard. I am on guard of a quarantine hut from 9 till 1, the same in the A.M. but this is a nice night the moon is about half grown and the stars are bright. I was just enjoying the evening as I walked along down here with out any gloves on I was to lazy to take them out of my jacket. There is not the slightest bit of frost and it is no where in the vicinity of freezing at all. That is the best of this country, how warm it gets when it rains and the frosts have not lasted longer than three days yet.

We had a good supper hot cabbage potatoes roast meat and gravy bread butter so we never get hungry.

We have tubs of hot water to wrinse our plates in so we don’t have to use the same principals we used to at C.H. I will enclose Mrs Peels letter for you to read. Mother if we can feel we have any friends out side of our own families surely Mr and Mrs Peel are friends of mine. Good night mother dear things look like the war would end soon

as ever your dearest boy