Letter to Mother from England

London Eng

Dear Mother:–

I did not get to France today but will be off in the a.m. at 6.15, I spent the day in the Victoria and Albert museum and out at the zoo we had a real good time most interesting.

My pen is on the bum so I will have to go and clean it out.

Well I cleaned my pen filled it and had supper, so I feel fine, I am going out to the station to get my pack then I will put my [web???] equipment together ready for action.


I bot a 12 shilling watch tonight they are a great comfort over in France, but they have to be lucky or you get them broaken soon.

This A.M. a lad and I started out to do the town he seemed to like to ride on the underground but I liked the top storey of the bus, Any way we took the underground, and got on to the wrong train, it took us several stations past where we wanted to go before it stoped. we got off and crossed over to the other track by an overhead stair way, and took the first train back, it took us farther than the first one past the station

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