Letter to Mother from London


Dear Mother;–  

I am pulling out tonight at about nine 45 for Deason's home,

I have done nothing today but walk around and see what Sunday in the big city was like, I don't like it either, I was a little late for church so I did not gain at all, but will try to get to service tonight before I leave, I was stroling along the Rotten Row this A,M, watching the different saddle horses and riders go by, some horses I would hate to have seen in my back yard others are nice but they are mostly all of certain blood and look as tho they might go pretty well in a race, some wemen are good riders others can't ride at all. but the manage to stay on.

And the dogs well it is a crime the attention the dogs get and the different kinds the folks have some are blanketed others have a knit sweater and a blanket over them.

Later it must be about 4.30 P.M,

I spent the last while listeing to one of the greatest Lectures on alcholic beverages that I ever heard,

And I got a chance to get up and say that I had spent eight months in the trenches in France and had never toutched an issue of rum nor never saw the time that I thot it would help me, I surely got a good clap for it, but, it was hard to do.

I don't care how long this old war last or whether I am along with the boys when they come home or not. for I know that each day the war lasts it is doing good, we will not know our old world ten years from now, and it is going to be our North America that will set the standard of morals for the next generations.

I am glad now when I think back over how I have stayed by my principals and went on my own, among the boys, but it has at last made me a man that the boys all will back up, And I am one of the old boys in the Battn now we have got thined out so bad and the new boys have come in twice now after each advance we get new reinforcements, and there is only an odd one that came to France a year ago in Aug, left and only about a dozen left of our draft of between 50 and 60 in May 24th so you can see how many new pals you will get in that length of time, they are all the same tho, one man will do all he can for you just like another when you have been together awhile,

Well bye bye Mother dear as ever your loving son    Laurie