Letter to Mother from Somewhere in France

S. W. in France

Dear Mother:–

We are expecting a big Canadian mail any day now. It has come a few days late for a month or so now,

Well, March is a little damp on the last end, for it started to rain this P.M. but we are all sitting around a steel hut, fifty of us slept on a rather small space last night but we do not kick we are glad, to be in out of the rain if it rains and in side if it don't.   We have had things so lucky the last while that we would expect to get things rough any time,

I don't feel a bit like writing I feel just like sitting around and thinking, there is scores of shells bursting not far away some close enough to shake the ground, I was watching them trying to get our baloon this A,M. but the first shot was the only one that came close to getting it at all.

bye bye for today


Well Mother   This is Easter Sunday in France and we are going to have an open air service at 10.30, The sun shines after a nights rain, but I got a dandy cosy sleep from about 9.30 till 7 Oclock revallie, the breakfast at 7.30 of coarse we did not have eggs but that don't bother me we had a big slice of bacon and bread dipped in bacon fat.

Connie Gower was married to Pte Plumb of Red Deer Alberta at Xmas and she is going out there this summer she would like to call on you folks if it would be possible to make connections with out to much delay or expence. I told her that you would surely welcome her and be glad to have her call, but I explained that I thought she would have to go far out of her way to do it, R.D. is on the Sask. River so it would be on the third road north of ours. she may not be able to get a stay over on her ticket.


Well Mother I have neglected writing for the last two days but it has been because I was lazy not buisy.

I received four letters on Mon. and four Tues. I was starteled when I read in Myrtles letter of Violets wedding, but my only hope is that she is well mated and has a happy and prosperous home. I got an eight page letter from a Miss Duncan in Toronto the lady who knit me my sweater without sleaves, She is sending me a box soon with. a pair of socks in. She is interested in the line of food conservation and travels most of the time.

Now Mother this mail has to go I will try to write a better letter next one. I have been on two work parties, the last two nights it rained a little last night

Well bye bye Mother dear as ever your loving son Laurie

P.S. I got a parcel from Annie last night.